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Showing posts from May, 2019

Top Ten Reasons to Visit a Repair Technician

We live in an increasingly DIY-focused world. When something goes wrong, we tend to want to take care of it ourselves, rather than pay someone else to take care of it for us, and the age of the internet makes that easier than it's ever been. If you want to learn to do it, chances are there’s somebody on YouTube who’s eager to teach you. We’re big fans of DIY solutions at Phone Medics Plus, but the truth is that when it comes to your electronics, DIY repairs can get pretty tricky. The truth is, sometimes you're just better off bringing your phone or computer problems to a professional. In today’s post, we’ll tell you a few reasons why that's the case. Identify the problem quickly We’ve seen it all, so if you’re not sure exactly what’s wrong, we have the experience and knowledge to quickly troubleshoot the problem. Help you understand the problem and the best way to fix it Some problems have more than one solution, and some solutions are easier or cheaper than other...

What You Need to Know About Password Management and Recovery

As more and more of our everyday life is lived online, passwords are becoming more and more important. You need a password for just about everything you do online, and a lot of things you do offline, too: social media, email, banking, shopping, logging into wifi, logging into your personal computer, logging into your work computer, and even unlocking your phone, if you’ve got a passcode lock. All these things require their own password. It can all be very difficult and confusing to manage. In today’s post we’re going to give you some tips and tools for creating strong passwords, keeping track of your passwords, and what to do if you forget a password. Good Password Practices First things first, we’re going to talk about some tips for creating and using strong passwords. The first and most important tip is pretty simple: don’t pick something that’s easy to guess. “Password” is a lousy password. Variations on your or your family members’ names aren’t great either. Those are all th...

Protecting Your Privacy Online

We’ve talked a lot in previous posts about some of the tools and habits you need to keep yourself safe on the internet. We’ve told you how to avoid malware , what to do if you get malware , how to keep yourself safe from phishing emails  and phone scams . Most recently, we talked about securing your cell phone . Today, we’re going to talk about some basic tools and practices you can use to protect your privacy online. Software Updates One thing that we touched on when we talked about protecting yourself from malware was the importance of keeping your software updated. That tip bears repeating here. By keeping your web browser updated to the most recent version, you make sure that you’re getting the latest its developers have to offer in terms of built-in privacy protection. For example, in the aftermath of Facebook’s recent privacy scandal, Mozilla updated the Firefox browser so that certain privacy protection features are now turned on by default. Keeping your browser upda...

Security For Your Cell Phone

Cell phones have taken an increasingly important role in people’s lives since they first started to see widespread adoption in the ‘90s. With the rise of the smartphone a decade ago, that process has accelerated, to the point that for many of us, our cell phones are vitally important tools for certain aspects of our lives. They’re the keeper of our calendar, our contacts, our family photos, they’re our means of communication with friends and family, how we find our way in a new place, and so much more. As our phones have taken on greater importance, the need to secure them has also grown. That’s why today’s post will be focusing on ways to secure your cell phone and its data. Keep Your Phone Backed Up The first step to securing your cell phone is keeping your data backed up. That may seem odd at first, since we don’t normally think of backups as a security feature, but think of it this way: what’s the most important thing on your phone? It’s the data, right? When we panic ove...