When you walk into our repair facility, one of the first things you’ll notice is that we have an open floor plan. Just standing in the doorway, you can see nearly the entire shop. What you may not realize is that this is pretty unique in the repair industry. When you take your phone, tablet, or computer to most other repair shops, they take it away into the back to fix it. At Phone Medics Plus, we prefer to do everything out in the open. So, why do we do it this way? Well, it’s pretty simple: we believe that it’s the best way to serve our customers. When you can watch the work that’s being done do your device, you can feel more confident that our repair technicians are showing the utmost respect for your device and for your privacy. We also believe that by doing our repair work out in the open, we can provide our customers with peace of mind throughout the repair process. It’s human nature to want to see and understand what’s going on, especially in a stressful situation like when ...